I have come up with a few answers for objections to open borders.
Any other objections and/or answers would be greatly appreciated.
You can never close the borders. People managed to get across the Berlin Wall
and it was more heavily fortified than we can ever hope to make our borders.
Immigration is similar to gun control. Gun control doesn't work because bad guys
will get guns no matter what the law says. Good people are left defenseless because
they can't get guns. Strict Immigration laws makes it harder for decent hardworking
immigrants to get in while less appealing immigrants will simply ignore the restrictions.
(Of course, be sure this person is opposed to gun control before you use this one. They probably will since
conservatives generally support closed borders and oppose gun controls)
We cheered when Reagan told Gorbachev "Tear down that wall." Does it make sense to
support building our own wall now? (You may wanna make sure that they like Reagan before you use this one.
They probably will since it is usually conservatives that support closed borders)
These common objections and answers come from an outstanding libertarian
organization the The Future of Freedom Foundation.
These reasons come from this particulareditorial
"They'll go on welfare." Well, one solution is to end the dole for everyone,
including Americans. Alternatively, immigrants are not citizens; therefore,
there is no requirement that they be permitted to be on the dole. Thus,
if "no dole" was an express condition of immigration, immigrants who would
come to the U.S. would be the types we want people who like to take risks,
work hard, and be self-reliant and independent energizing qualities that
every society should cherish.
"They'll enter our public schools." Then, prohibit them from doing so.
The result would be that they will form their own private,
independent schools and, consequently, provide the nucleus of a new type
of person in America: an independent thinker who loves knowledge for its
own sake, unlike the public-school student, who simply learns how to memorize
and obey.
"They'll take jobs away from Americans." Every American who works today
does so under the assumption that he can be replaced with a worker who
has moved from another state. All that open immigration would do is open
the market even more. But with one big benefit the new spending by immigrants
would open up a wealth of new employment opportunities in the businesses
that would have to open or expand to meet the new economic demands.
"They'll dump their products on Americans." Then, retaliate by dumping
your products on Americans or on foreigners consumers will love
it! More important, when a person opens a business, he does so under certain
risks. One of these risks is that someone else might satisfy the consumers
better than other sellers and that this might happen through low prices
or even free goods being given to consumers. If a businessman does not
want to take that risk, then he should not go into business.
"They'll get their governments to subsidize their reduced goods." Again,
this is a risk that exists in the business world, even domestically. Unfortunately,
we live in a world in which people permit their governments to plunder
them in order to give a dole to others, including businessmen. No one forces
someone to open a business. If a person does not want to take the risk
of a government giving a competitor a dole, then there is a simple solution:
do not open the business.
"Millions of people will immediately move to the United States." Perhaps.
But we must first keep in mind that U.S. government import restrictions
create miserable economic conditions in many countries that encourage people
to want to emigrate. Once those restrictions are lifted, there is a probability
that with the increased economic prosperity in foreign countries,
many would-be emigrants would choose to stay at home among friends and
family. But if millions did come, great! History has shown that cheap labor,
like cheap goods, is a tremendous economic boon to the people of a society.
Give us your tired, huddled masses yearning to breathe free and watch
economic prosperity here soar!
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