Environmental Talking Points
As usual, the trick is to show them how the environment would be cleaner
with a free market than with government control.
The biggest polluter in the US today is the government. It can't
be sued and is simply ignores the EPA directives that everyone else must
Private property is the best way to preserve the environment. People
always take better care of something they own. It is tough to resell
a polluted piece of land.
People would also be legally responsible for harming another person's property.
- How to talk about the Environment
- FAQ on Free Market Environmentalism Might help you prepare yourself for some common objections
Some Facts if you think they might help.
The Boston Globe did a series of articles detailing Government environmental abuses.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Sacramento Bee also did a series of articles on the abuses of the environmental movement.Very Interesting.
UndueInfluence.com tracks the environmental movement with a skeptical eye.
Green-Watch.com also look sinto the environmental movement.
Myths and Facts About the Environment
The End of the Effluent Society A good Washington Times Article
Al Gore is no Conservationist
Giving Thanks A Cato collection of essays showing that things are okay afterall
Overcoming Green Guilt An essay showing how economic progress equals environmental progress
Environmental Gore A response to "Earth in the Balance" The perfect gift for your favorite liberal.
Environmental Phonies PJ O'Rourke at his best skewering the Rio Earth Summit.
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