Campaign Finance Reform
Generally, someone who supports feels that campaign finance reform is necessary
because the "little guy" does not have enough
input into the political process. This is a legitimate concern,
and fortunately it is very easy to turn this to your advantage. Several of these talking points came from our most generous site visitor, Anthony Bernardo.
CFR gives huge advantage to incumbent since challengers are limited in the
amount of advertising they can put out
CFR encourages independently wealthy candidates to run instead of the common citizens. The average joe is more reliant on donated funds
and is more likely to have to deal with complicated compliance laws. Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter, more ethical, or better leaders.
CFL actually helps maintain the status quo since it makes it harder for
challengers to get in and shake things up
- CFR always favors the incumbent, since incumbents receive the benefit of name recognition. Also, an incumbent can run a campaign from his office seat through pork-barrel projects, etc., which a challenger cannot do as effectively. Challengers often spend large amounts of money to get elected simply to offset the other advantages that an incumbent has.
- In the pre-reform days, a single rich benefactor could fund a dark-horse candidate’s campaign early on, while he devoted his time to connecting with the voters, as did George McGovern in 1972. Now a candidate must have great personal wealth or enough connections to find thousands of donors all willing to make the maximum allowed contributions. Thus the very reforms that were supposed to open up the electoral process have actually limited it to the rich and party favorites.
- CFL's increase the media’s power to control elections. The media can slant news to favor certain candidates, while the less favored opposition cannot offset media bias without spending more money.
Anything you do to make it harder for a challenger to get his message out
makes it easier for the incumbent to ignore his constituents.
CFL increases the power and importance of parties. It makes it harder
for third parties to enter since the the two existing parties have the
lawyers, accountants, and technical experts to comply with laws
Do you think a politician would really pass a law that would make it harder
for him/her to get elected?
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