Civil Rights Legislation
The idea that we can/should eliminate discrimination through legislation is very commonplace.
I have tried to show how freedom can promote equality and how the Civil Rights Act has been distorted
from its original purpose. I have also tried to use this technique that
Michael Cloud discusses in this
Freedom promoting equality
The sports world integrated without legislation or litigation (Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson). Owners and
Managers realized they would lose money and competition unless they allowed minorities to compete on an equal level.
There is no reason to think that any other field would be different.
The segregated South had to pass laws to maintain segregation. Businesses were accepting money from Blacks despite the racial tension in the area.
They could not afford discriminatory practices and did not need laws to change their practices.
Civil Rights Legislation being misused
Recently a couple were ejected from an airliner (before take-off) because
they shouted a string of obscenities at the other passengers. They then
sued the airline on the grounds that they were discriminated against because
they have a disease that compels them to utter profanities.
In 1992 a Florida court used these laws to award a white woman permanent
disability benefits -- ruling that her employer should have provided a
segregated workplace to cater to her fear of blacks.
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