The techniques you can use with Christians are generally the same as you would
with people concerned about welfare. Show concern for their plight. Explain
how their goals would be furthered in a Libertarian world.
- God knows we are sinners and that we will make the wrong choices many times. If God allows each of us to be free, why can't we allow each other to be free? If freedom is good enough for God, why isn't it good enough for us?
Eliminating the Income Tax will give them much more money to donate to their
church or charity of their choice
They will be able to put their children into schools that teach their values
They will no longer have to worry about a secular agenda in a school.
They will no longer have to worry about supporting art that offends them and
their morals
Eliminating the Income Tax could strengthen the family. There would be less of
a need to have both parents working, so one could stay at home withi children.
You cannot have true morality without true freedom.
(For a Christian advocating some type of censorship)A government big enough
to ban Playboy is big enough to ban the Bible
Some links I have found
Jesus was an Anarchist You can decide for yourself
Christian Libertarian
Libertarian Christian Web Pages - Must a Christian be a Libertarian?
Reed's Perspective
The Fountain
of Truth
was a Dirty Hippie
Libertarianism and Religion
and Religion WebRing
Machen Butler
Christianity and Free Enterprise
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